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  1. S

    Waterloo Cup Dates

    thanks once again for the replys . did think of southport but was hoping for 1 in stumbling distance then we could of had a wee slurp at the cup itself , just have o wait till we get to the b/b . just got in with my bullmastiffs full of muck from the field so thats why so many questions never...
  2. S

    Waterloo Cup Dates

    thanks very much for all the info . def going to give it a go this more question,does anybody know any b/bs or pubs in walking distance to stay in.also do you que in the cars or dump them and walk in.cheers to all who replied . stu
  3. S

    Waterloo Cup

    i to want to go to the waterloo for the first time but dont know anybody whos been so dont know where to go or what time it kicks of .gratefull for any info .
  4. S

    Waterloo Cup Dates

    still be gratefull for some info on where and what time it all starts at as none the wiser . lots of web sites but not got any usefull info regards times and places .
  5. S

    Waterloo Cup Dates

    always wanted to go to the waterloo never got round to it . feel i should before its to late .can anyone tell me what the script i need tickets or do i just turn up.where when and how do i avoid the antis. would be gratefull for any info