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  1. Pam99

    Goodbye Jasper

    Hi Judy, I am have just logged on after a hiatus, I'm so very sorry to hear this sad news :(
  2. Pam99

    Happy tail syndrome

    No, but i will have a look at that, thank you. I've not contacted the vet as yet because it only happened a week ago, I'm trying to limit excitement in confined spaces. I'll be devastated if she has to have her tail operated on
  3. Pam99

    Happy tail syndrome

    Hmm im not sure she'd keep a curler on i took her to the groomers today and she got so excited she wagged her tail to such extreme when i collected her it split and sprayed my hand and jeans with blood . Ive just dawbedcsome sudocreme on the end of it, distracted her with treats and got her to...
  4. Pam99

    Happy tail syndrome

    Good evening all, does anyone have any recommendations to fix 'happy tail syndrome'? The end of Rubys tail started bleeding over a week ago. It, dries up but then she keeps knocking it and I'm finding blood splats up the walls. It doesnt seem to be bothering her, but the scab looks to be getting...
  5. Pam99

    Dog walking footwear

    Aww love the different laces!
  6. Pam99

    Dog walking footwear

  7. Pam99

    Dog walking footwear

    Many thanks for the links, I am a size 3 so unfortuantely the Jack Pykes are out for me but they look just the job! I think I am going to invest in a pair of muck boots for the impending mudfest that is bound to happen in the fields near me and then a pair of hi techs for spring, they actually...
  8. Pam99

    Dog walking footwear

    Oh wow I see on their website they actually have a 'dog walking' section, just what I have been looking for, thanks so much for the suggestion!
  9. Pam99

    Dog walking footwear

    Thank you all for some great suggestions, I shall get googling! I am hoping that the website I bought the expensive solamans will take them back and I can get a refund and get something a bit more durable but will see! Nothing worse then having wet ice blocks for feet on this cold mornings!
  10. Pam99

    Dog walking footwear

    Hi dog lovers...looking for some tips on all weather comfortable dog is now 1 year old so im heading into cold weather walks for the first time. I invested in what i thought would be decent all weather footwear a pair of salomen ultra 3 gortex weather proofboots at a cost of £100...
  11. Pam99

    First season

    I I think i need to stop googling things and chill out! Thank god though today the bleeding has definitely started to sliw and its just the odd tiny dark dot here and there. Hallelujah perhaps I'll try the bitches britches next time@
  12. Pam99

    First season

    Ahh but then i would be forced to eat the rest of the packet
  13. Pam99

    First season

    Evening all, just looking for yet more advice please... so ruby went to the vet last week for the sickness as it went on over a week. The vet said it could be hormonal (no shit!) And gave her an anti sickness jab and some heartburn tablets at great cost. The tablets they gave her were basically...
  14. Pam99

    First season

    Thank you very much for the advice. Long line it is although at the moment sleep and cuddles with me or teddy seems to be the only thing ruby wants to do
  15. Pam99

    First season

    Oh good lord!!! How will i know when this is happening (the most fertile bit) I have a gated and locked drive, fenced off back garden but there are some gaps in the nieigbours adjoining bushes she could definitely squeeze through
  16. Pam99

    First season

    Day 3 of Rubys season and she keeps being sick. Shes been sick on and off since sunday, can anyonevoffer advice on this? Shes thrown up her meals on a few occasions and this morning woke up early wretching but no sick . Ive given her some rice, veggies and chicken tonight to see if it helps...
  17. Pam99

    First season

    Thanks so much for the reply it makes perfect sense as rubys been most snappy with other dogs the last week! And ive been wary about letting her say 'hello' as she usually would. I shall be extra vigilant now then!
  18. Pam99

    First season

    My hunch was right ruby has started bleeding this morning, she'll be 10 months old on saturday, so we had our first on lead walkies this morning, she was NOT impressed that she could not go and play on the beach. So now it willbe a countdown as to when it finishes. will i get harrased by random...
  19. Pam99

    First season

    Thanks for the reply. I cant sit on the sofa without her coming and sitting on my knee and shes behaving very erratically when out walking and I'm pretty sure theres some swelling there this morning so i guess the time is nigh! Argh!
  20. Pam99

    First season

    Hi all, just wondering if anyone can tell me the early indicators that a dog is going into season? Ruby (boxer) is nearly 10 months old now and from what i have read 9 months seems to be the norm for boxers to have a first season so am expecting it anytime. Over the last few days male dogs seem...