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  1. B

    Tias Catch

    If you dont tell her she'll never know! Bob, the husky, caught a mouse the other day, much 2 my friends disgust. Good job she doesnt come walking with you two! Lol. Beth
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    Ring Craft Classes Near Reading?

    Im not going to get into a long discussion about this as the whole thing has really upset me. My husband & friend have had to walk my dogs because i cant face going out just now, its going to take a lot of effort to go to this new class! Bob did not fly at her dog, if he had i would have felt...
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    Ring Craft Classes Near Reading?

    Thanks for the help. Im going to join the woolhampton club after easter. I had joined a class 2 weeks ago. This was a very hard thing for me to do cos i suffer from post-natal depression & find it very difficult to go out alone. Last night at my second class, Bob had an...
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    Ring Craft Classes Near Reading?

    Thanks. After a full day of research i managed to find 2 classes near by.
  5. B

    Ring Craft Classes Near Reading?

    Hello Im new to the board and need some help :unsure: Im looking for a ringcraft class to take my 1 year old Husky, Bob :blink: , to. I can travel to Newbury, Basinstoke, Andover, Windsor or Oxford. Does anyone know of one in the area? I had started one a couple of weeks ago in Reading but...