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  1. J

    Whippet Clothing

    Here is the knitted jumpers one....
  2. J

    Whippet Clothing

    Hi, Here is one website I saw...dont know if they make special provision for whippet/greyhounds. There is another where they do knitted jumpers 'to order' I'll send that when I find it. I haven't actually used either...yet.
  3. J


    Beautiful .. dramatic lighting and crystal clear photos....I'd be chuffed it I managed to get some shots like that...what kind of camera is it?
  4. J

    Have You Any Training Hints

    Thanks for your advice..I think I shall just have to get really firm with her for a while. For the first few months her recall was unbelievably good...very responsive but as her confidence has grown so has her tendency to 'go deaf' ...her desire to socialise now outweighs her desire to please...
  5. J

    Have You Any Training Hints

    After reading about Bev's terrible walk this evening I am feeling rather nervous that it is only a matter of time before something similar happens to us. I was wondering what other owners do about training their whippets not to approach other dogs and their owners uninvited....or is it as...
  6. J

    Lovely Day

    The last 2 are stunning should have one printed up for the mantelpiece.
  7. J

    Barking Mad

    Sorry ..I forgot Chicory I think this might be William's constitutional!! (dislikes being alone, wants constant attention, very talkative, possessive love, strong willed, when thwarted becomes fretful)
  8. J

    Barking Mad

    How about a dose of Chestnut Bud (takes a long time to learn by experience-keeps repeating the same mistakes) a dose of Honeysuckle (in looking back there is fear of what lies ahead) a fear remedy such as Mimulus and a good slug of RR.... Might set you back a few quid and the results aren't...
  9. J

    Barking Mad

    I understand that the Bach Flower remedies can work well with dogs...I haven't had to try them yet with Fen but I use them all the time on my daughter. For general panic rescue remedy might help...4 drops in water bowl or a squirt straight into the mouth (our English bull terrier used to take...
  10. J

    What's The Strangest Place

    Unfortunately Fen doesn't seem to be a 'licker' ...more a 'nibbler' ...but can virtually nibble the tops off toenails. Do you think she'll develop the licking habit when she gets older (she's 7 months now) or do you think we will be lickless forever? :(
  11. J

    Lots Of Love Ready For Pup Xx

    Hi, Tracy, You could try phoning my friend here on the I. O. W. She might still have a fawn girl available from her recent litter - Tel. number is 01983 565021. Good luck
  12. J

    A Walk Along The Cliff Tops

    Lovely photos...I thought the scenery looked familiar- I lived in the Mumbles whilst at Uni in Swansea (nearly 30 years ago now) The Gower is outstandingly beautiful. Lucky you.
  13. J

    Well Weve Decided ...

    Kobi is lovely..such a sweet face... pretty markings Congratulations.
  14. J

    More Photos Of Fen

    everyone loves me
  15. J

    More Photos Of Fen

    when I first arrived I could fit in the vegetable basket
  16. J

    More Photos Of Fen

    close up-full eye makeup/mascara
  17. J

    More Photos Of Fen

    in play mode
  18. J

    More Photos Of Fen

    Here are some more photos of Fen...I have only learnt how to post one at a time so far. These were taken between the ages of 5- 6 months. As to pedigree she is Darquell/Ardencote with amongst others: Baldrey, Barnesmore and Hillsdown in g'parents/great g'parents. She is a pretty girl and...
  19. J

    Murph,flyn & Kiri At The Beach....

    I love your photos....I too have a waterwhippet. I have a technical question about posting photos. Some people seem only to get one photo per posting and others like yourself have posted several together with captions in between. I'm new to this and wondered why the difference? My first...
  20. J

    It Worked!

    Keep looking, it's here somewhere....under photo of Fen! Now the two messages have been separated it's confusing I agree. :- "