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  1. P

    10 puppies and Us

    I watched the beginning with the woman and the leonburger.  I also found it excruciating, the poor puppy was dragged through an awful journey home and then into a home in which there appeared no preparation or training had been done at all.  The poor puppy doesn't stand a chance.  The woman...
  2. P

    Holiday in U.K. with our 4 Rescue Dogs - Help

    I've just checked out the Scent workshop Gypsysmum, and the next date for the Level 1 within a reasonable distance to me is asaturday in October which clashes with the one week we are away!!  !  I have emailed the centre that are holding it and waiting to speak to them, in case they have any...
  3. P

    Holiday in U.K. with our 4 Rescue Dogs - Help

    Thanks.  That does sound much more stimulating.  I will definitely investigate these workshops and perhaps that's the way to go.  What we do each week is find my keys which are hidden in one of about a dozen boxes.  She's been able to do this reasonably successfully for a couple of months and I...
  4. P

    Struggling with crate training...

    Hi, what a beautiful puppy Luna is.  My dog is now 15 months old and we did use the crate for first 6-7 months, with mixed success.  Certainly useful for when we started leaving her for short periods of time during the day.  She was quite happy to be shut in but would go crackers when she woke...
  5. P

    Holiday in U.K. with our 4 Rescue Dogs - Help

    I did recognise the photo of her on their website.  I think the paddock they have for hire would have been great last year when we were first training recall. I was terrified to let her off the lead, of course, she was fine and didn't immediately tear off anywhere but a secure 8acre paddock is a...
  6. P

    Holiday in U.K. with our 4 Rescue Dogs - Help

    That looks amazing Gypsysmum.  I wish there was something similar local to me so that we could go to the weekly classes.  I'd love to try the parkour or the fun agility but can't find anything suitable in the West Sussex area.  Some agility groups but all seem quite serious and interested in...
  7. P

    Which Pet Insurance Do You Use?

    Our vet thinks that E&L have morphed into Animal Friends and said that as E&L they had a bad reputation.  So in my experience a change in name did not improve their service!
  8. P

    New member saying hello

    Hi Expodog, welcome to the site,. There are some incredibly knowledgeable individuals on here who offer good, concise advice and who have helped me enormously over the past year with my puppy questions.  
  9. P

    Which Pet Insurance Do You Use?

    wouldnt touch Animal Friends!  We found them very competitive price wise but then did all they could to not pay out.  Only when we pursued through complaints system did they finally agree to pay us.  We then found out that others had had similar problems. We're now with Pet Plan, most expensive...
  10. P

    Thunder on the way : best way to handle it?

    We made a dreadful mistake with our last dog by doing everything we could to relieve her stress at thunder and fireworks except ignore her!  Consequently the whole thing got so way out of control and all we were doing was upping the anti, so as she got worse, we tried harder and the whole thing...
  11. P

    Recall not as good as it should be!

    Thanks Leashedforlife.  Will continue with the recalls. 
  12. P

    New dog in the pack

    Great name Joanne.  Not sure I want to go as far as boarding them though Gypsysmum.  One dog and one cat quite enough!
  13. P

    Recall not as good as it should be!

    Okey doke, will keep at it.
  14. P

    New dog in the pack

    Yes you're probably right, especially as we are only there once or twice a month.  Still it's not a major problem in the scheme of things.  
  15. P

    Hello and new pup

    Welcome.  What a lovely dog and beautiful eyes.  This is a great forum with some very knowledgeable members who have helped me enormously over the last year with my dog, now 14 months.
  16. P

    New dog in the pack

    That's really helpful Gypsysmum.  I might try this when we next visit my grandchildren,. Our dog just cannot leave their Guinea pigs alone, she is completely obsessed with them.  If in their cage she just sits in front of it staring at them, occasionally jumping up if they move too fast.  If...
  17. P

    Recall not as good as it should be!

    Thanks all.  Evie has only run off and really out of sight a couple of times.  The first time I thought I'd lost her and ran home to get my husband to come and help.  when we eventually found her back where she'd run off, she did appear to be very distressed, not because I was angry which I...
  18. P

    Recall not as good as it should be!

    Thanks Gypsysmum.  My husband is adamant that this was a one off!  I don't think it's appeasing behaviour, she does genuinely seem perfectly happy and keen to get her bit of cheese/sausage (now delivered in bigger pieces).  She doesn't appear worried or cautious in any way.  Evie sounds the same...
  19. P

    check out the interesting body-language...

    I think a child is playing a recorder and he's howling!
  20. P

    Recall not as good as it should be!

    I did have the same thought Biker John, about human reproduction not being an indicator of adulthood.  Unfortunately she totally ignored my husband this morning and also jumped up at a woman so he marched her back home without a walk!!  i think he believes that will teach her a valuable lesson!  