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  1. P

    One year on and still loving it....!

    Aw, he does look a lovely dog.
  2. P

    Lead training a pup!

    Hi CD89.  You have my full sympathy.  I had exactly the same problem with my Cockapoo, Evie.  I persevered for 13 months, following advice and trying a variety of methods - nothing worked.   At 13 months I gave up and brought a Halti.  Wonderful.  Worked like magic immediately.  Walks on lead...
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    What lovely pictures excuse me.  I agree Joanne, in my opinion the only thing that comes close to a puppy's tummy is a baby's bottom.
  4. P

    Why is pup sleeping upside-down??

    Hi and welcome to the forum.  My dog has always enjoyed lying on her back legs splayed.  Not very elegant for a lady!  Will attempt to attach photos - aged 8 weeks and 14 months.   Dave is a lovely puppy and a great name.
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    Welcome to the forum Julie.  This is a very friendly place with lots of helpful and knowledgeable people.  
  6. P

    Loose leash walking

    So glad it has worked for you too.  
  7. P

    introducing myself as a animal lover

    Welcome Bob.  As escuseme has said this is a very friendly forum.
  8. P

    Frozen Chicken 3 years old?

    Very good, excuse me!  Glad to hear your husband is ok.  
  9. P

    Loose leash walking

    I have a 15 month Cockapoo and she too pulls constantly on her lead.  I spent 12 months trying every method I found.  She does know what is required, because if she pulls, I stop, she turns and brings herself back to me, we then set off again but she immediately gets to the end of the lead, I...
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    Frozen Chicken 3 years old?

    Good luck then Wotho!!!  Your husband is a lot braver than mine excuse me!
  11. P

    Frozen Chicken 3 years old?

    I'm no expert but I'd probably give it a go.  My husband would t touch it with a barge pole!!  I'm guessing that being frozen for so long would just reduce quality rather than safety.   Let us know how you get on if you're able to, of course! Lol
  12. P

    10 puppies and Us

    Goodness bub1, I seem to have upset you somewhat, this was not my intention and I apologise.  I was expressing my views on what I had seen on the TV.  I have no idea on what happens behind the scenes or when the cameras are turned off.  If, as you say, this lady now has a very happy and well...
  13. P

    10 puppies and Us

    Did you ask her if this was the first puppy she had owned.  If it is then this might explain why she was so ill prepared when she collected it from the breeder and brought it home for the first time.  This doesn't explain however why the breeder let her take it under these conditions.  When we...
  14. P

    10 puppies and Us

    Then I suspect that the TV company have done some clever editing to make it more 'entertaining', which I still think sends out the wrong message to potential puppy owners.  Even worse really if people think they can bring a new puppy into their home with no preparation and little apparent...
  15. P

    10 puppies and Us

    I agree again Julietee!  I don't mind coloured leads so much, but hate dog clothes.  I also cringe inside when someone refers to me as Evie's mummy!  
  16. P

    Holiday in U.K. with our 4 Rescue Dogs - Help

    Sounds the perfect match!
  17. P

    10 puppies and Us

    Oh dear.  These TV companies have a lot to answer for.  Entertainment at the expense of a puppy's well being is so irresponsible.
  18. P

    Holiday in U.K. with our 4 Rescue Dogs - Help

    Never mind.  I had a long chat with the scent lady and I've enrolled with her for a 5 week 'recall outside, with distractions' course and will do the scent workshop in the next round.  A caravan would be a great idea but not sure husband would agree!  Glad you enjoyed it Joanne.  
  19. P

    Fighting Whippet puppies

    Hello Soniclass and welcome to the forum.  I am by no means an expert on dogs and have found the advice on this forum invaluable over the past 12 months with my puppy.  I do feel for you in your current situation but can only really recommend that you follow dogmatises advice and return one of...
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    10 puppies and Us

    I agree with you Juliatee, I also find him extremely irritating with an ego the size of a house.  He is undoubtedly a very clever man who performs amazing surgery but I'm not always comfortable with what these poor animals go through. 