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  1. KazKent

    Hello from my 3 pooches

    Ahh thank you :) He’s definitely not so miserable and seems to be getting used to the Comfy Cone. Hot Spots just seem to take so long to heal :( Archie’s a rescue (all 3 are) and pretty much Special Needs, bless him!! X
  2. KazKent

    Hello from my 3 pooches

    Hi Josie, thank you so much. He’s starting to perk up a bit, just today really. I took the collar off him about half an hour ago to give him a little break from it - am watching him like a hawk for scratching! - but so far he’s pretty chilled. Still not complete his normal self but I think he’s...
  3. KazKent

    Hello from my 3 pooches

    Thank you Joanne. He was miserable before the antibiotics but I will try the yoghurt, thanks for the tip! He’s normally so bouncy, full of life and the first of my 3 to everything so it’s really worrying to see him depressed and just not himself. X
  4. KazKent

    Hello from my 3 pooches

    Hi Joanne, of course, I understand! Thank you. I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience. I’ll try to keep it short so as not to post a whole essay! My 8 year old Cocker, Archie, was under the weather for about a week before a Hot Spot appeared on his cheek. Vet put him on...
  5. KazKent

    Hello from my 3 pooches

    Hello all. I have some concerns about my Cocker Spaniel (he's under vet treatment) so am wondering if I can ask on here?