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  1. D

    Collar Questions?

    If the fabric collars are washable (or grubby enough that you might as well give it a try), put them in a pillow case, tie the open end of the pillow case in a knot, and pop it in the washing machine with a regular load--I've done this with two sets of fabric collars, and it worked on both--even...
  2. D


    Oh, Jill--I am so sorry that you have to make this decision. I admire the fact that, much as you might want to hold on to her, you are not putting her through more tests, more vet visits, more surgery, and more pain, but instead helping her to pass on, pain-free, in her own home, with you to...
  3. D

    Who's Had Their Bitch Spayed

    My two girls were spayed after their first season, and I felt much better about it after making sure that the vet knew sighthound anesthesia and did pre-op blood work--a bit more $$, but worth it as I was nervous about putting them under at all. Long story short, both came through with flying...
  4. D

    A Search Of A Whippet!

    In US rescue (WRAP), the dogs are tested to see if they are cat-safe--maybe the same for JR Rescue in UK too? And if you were getting a younger dog that had been with its breeder for a while (post-show-career), and the breeder had cats, then you'd know then too--you can definitely find a...