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  1. P

    New puppy check list

    Hi I am not particularly happy with crating as I never did it for my dog when I was little but I have looked into dog trainer who recommended 1 2 1 session who will assist us in toilet training etc and my hope is that it only becomes a safe haven when he wants away from kids. As for size I...
  2. P

    New puppy check list

    Thanks for the replies I was aware of the issues but both parents were allergy free and healthy from what I could see. I have asked the insurer bought by many what their definition is due to a cross bread being £36 for complete or for a mix it was £19 and I want to be sure I pick the right one...
  3. P

    New puppy check list

    Hi, New to the forum and have just purchased a puppy which I will get on the 10th of January but I have a few questions The pup will be a mix between a frug and a pug which I just want to check for insurance is this classed as a cross bread or mixed breed. I assume cross but want to be sure as...