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    Warning And Plea

    So sorry to hear about your loss Karen, My thoughts go out to you at this sad time. Huggs Dawn XX :huggles:
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    Bonfire Night Tips?

    Hi all Just to update you the vet is calling to see my little girl tomorrow so I will fill you in on what he says with regards to her being heat ect... What I am hoping for is some tips on Bonfirenight? She is terrified off the fireworks and bangs does anyone have any tips that will help me to...
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    Fireworks Petition

    I have signed and added my support :thumbsup:
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    Happy Birthday Molly

    Happy birthday molly and I dont blame you about all the beds in a corner :thumbsup: Huggs Dawn xx
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    Bitch In Season

    Hi all The vet did mention the injection but said that they only gave it within 48 hours of mating, Its all confusing stuff to me too but I am not letting that take away the fact I have a lovely little girl of who we have still to give a name.... Huggs Dawn xx
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    Bitch In Season

    I telephoned the lady from the rescue and informed her that the dog was in season, her reply was simply realy?.... The dogs she was in contact with where all intact! I telephoned my vet yeasterday who seemed quite concerned also, he is going to call and see her when he is in my area next...
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    Bitch In Season

    Hello all Its nice to be here, I would however like some advice if any has some to share. Yeasterday afternoon I got a small bitch from a rescue home, she is from what I can tell a jack russell and perhaps whippet cross. Last night after a few hours in her new home i noticed she had leaked a...