Many thanks to both Judy and Joanne! You’re fabulous on this site and entirely valued.
I’m not sure why I didn’t think of the answer but there you are and many thanks!
Excuseme thank you for your reply but unfortunately you have misinterpreted the photos entirely. We never, ever have thrown sticks for any of our dogs. Ever. The photos were taken with a long lens and there was no one in the garden except for our precious Ornie and Sassi. The storms blew them...
Thank you so much, Judy! We are, of course, besotted. Having had dogs all our lives we never realised they could be so much fun and have such a delightful personality.
Thank you so much, RCG, you put your finger on something I hadn’t been able to when you made a cat comparison. I’ve had cats for many years as well as dogs until about 20 years ago I just couldn’t take them being killed on the road even though we’ve always lived very rurally.
Mabel is a lucky...
Thanks, Hemlock, we are still chuckling. We can add to the list - two stainless steel kitchen sink waste strainer baskets, a bottle of hair conditioner, a dozen individually boxed soap bars and a bone china mug which was carefully unpacked without damage. These occurrences are all at different...
Thanks, Judy, and yes, I was apprehensive about their tummies but not a single problem. That’s possibly because they are used to a raw egg or two but mind you that’s not a couple of dozen!
Sassi and Orni are our 6 months old whips and what an incredible 5 months! We’ve always been dog parents, loosing our last lovely black lab Lucy 18 months ago, and have had a wide variety of breeds but never a whippet. They are sisters and Sassi is mine and Orni belongs to my husband. The...
I wondered about the possibility of a virus as suggested by Flobo. We have experienced the very first bout of any bowel or stomach problems in our 6mo old whippet sisters Orni and Sassi. We went for a walk in the meadow and there was a lady with a dog off lead as that’s the norm there. She...
I had three chihuahuas and Mildred lived to 17, Gertrude 16 and Ethel made 15. Your little guy looks like a full chi to me! Love, lovely dogs. Any problems are with the owners. Our bet always said ours gave the breed a good name! Mildred was the dog of my life but now we have two whippet...
Thanks to all of you who responded! I have carefully read, considered and tried out various the suggestions if they were suitable/applicable and thankful that we seem to have resolved the situation (for the time being!). Sassi definitely has her own mind even at 17 wks but now she is seeming to...
Thanks, Hemlock. Whether she likes the room or not is probably to the issue. The door is left open and there is no electrical equipment in it as it is just a pantry. I can promise you that we’ve given her every choice of eating locations including the same one as the other dog Orni. Sometimes...
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