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  1. L

    Advice for grieving dog

    she had a c section so can’t have walks until next week but once she can I will take her out, she’s not interested in biscuits right now only her meat, but the dad will only eat the meat too so not too worried. This was her first litter it was a accident so excuse me for not knowing much about...
  2. L

    Advice for grieving dog

    Thank you! Yes I was not sure if to give her something to cuddle, as online it says to do that and it also says a new puppy would help her too but I’m torn!
  3. L

    Advice for grieving dog

    My dog gave birth last week, she then needed a c section, puppies were born and then died from fading puppy syndrome or mum accidentally laying on them. I have read that getting a new puppy would help the grieving process and help mum. Does anyone have any info on this or any advise?