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  1. L


    nice dogs i bet the bunnies are taking immodium +
  2. L

    Introducing Jet

    hi skinny dog he`s staff saluki greyhound speed and colour :cheers:
  3. L

    Introducing Jet

    hooray (w00t)
  4. L

    Introducing Jet

    or maybe not! :oops:
  5. L

    Introducing Jet

    here are a couple of pics of my 13mth old jet
  6. L

    Hello All

    thanks people don`t think he can turn but i think he`s ok and he makes alot of ground and catches where others wouldn`t consider a slip and i`m happy i love him to bits :wub:
  7. L

    Hello All

    thanks rabbiter will do :cheers:
  8. L

    Hello All

    hi my name is lamp dog. i have recently started working lurchers again and i have to say it is fantastic. i got my dog last august when he was 10 weeks old and started working him at 10mths. he is a saluki 25%, staff 12.5% and the rest is greyhound some might say he is a little big for bunnies...
  9. L


    ps. youve chosen one of the best bunny dog you can get :D
  10. L


    hi skinny not to worry remember there is no close season for bunny so i would make a start at the first opportunity on the lamp the brighter the better i don`t know if you have one but the lightforce 240 blitz is my weapon of choice as they have a fantastic range and can take a little punishment...
  11. L

    Dog Training

    hi i sympathize entirely they do seem to be all or nothing :rant: but with the right routine and prise he should calm down, but not always as my father will tell you as his dog is just over 12 mths and will destroy the house if left alone. as far as food goes i was giving my dog 2 tins of...