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  1. Cozzie

    Is my pug x developing a cocky attitude?!

    I thought that too. Boss has improved in the time we've had him so like you said it may work its self out with persistence. When Gizmo approaches people no one takes him seriously as he's so friendly and daft looking but when Boss barks people instantly think 'ooh a rottie barking and being...
  2. Cozzie

    Is my pug x developing a cocky attitude?!

    Hi hannaroon, as Boss is a rescue dog we get the impression that he wasn't socialised much when he was little; he was raised with another rottie (a female who was later rehomed) so Boss doesn't have issues with dogs in general. He just gets a bit nervous around people sometimes when he's out...
  3. Cozzie

    Is my pug x developing a cocky attitude?!

    In March we adopted a rottie called Boss from a re-homing centre and he gets on wonderfully with our other dog Gizmo who is a pug x. :thumbsup: They both also get on well with other dogs in general but what we have noticed when we are out walking is that Gizmo has started pulling towards...
  4. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    He is yes. I looked into whether blood work would be covered when we considered that route but it's not.
  5. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    Hi all, I thought I'd give you an update on Gizmo. He's been on raw food for several weeks now, he really likes it and either has potato or rice with it. Despite this and washing his bedding in hypoallergenic stuff and getting him shampoo, he's not really showing signs of much improvement...
  6. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    The natural selection is the one we were looking at so we'll be buying some of that this week in the hope that it will improve his allergy. I must admit that I was convinced that the hypollergenic biscuits would help we are thinking that perhaps there is still something in that food that is...
  7. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    Hi all, I thought i'd update you to let you know how Gizmo has been getting on over the past 3 weeks. After the advice you gave us we decided to ease Gizmo off the hypoallergenic dry biscuits that we were giving him and just started him on chicken instead. In the meantime, certain areas on...
  8. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    Hi everyone, thanks for your imput I really appreciate it. No we don't use any of the above when it comes to cleaning and washing, so I think we have pretty much ruled out that one. I will start the chicken diet and will look into finding a local supplier for the mince. I'll keep you informed...
  9. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    We definately don't think that Gizmo's is seasonal; it doesn't tend to matter what the weather is like. He has regular baths, his bedding is also cleaned regularly and his flea treatments are up to date so dust/fleas has been ruled out. The vet admitted that it was gonna take different meals...
  10. Cozzie

    Allergy Not Improving

    Hi All, I have a 3 year old cocker pug called Gizmo who developed an allergy approximately a year ago. After initially taking him to the vets to find out more they firstly wanted to rule out environmental allergies i.e. dust. He has regular baths and flea treatments and this has since been...