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  1. B

    Lure Coursing

    A "Big"Hi to all, anyone interested in having a Lure coursing club in "Cambridge U.K." ??
  2. B

    Anyone Interested??

    A big "Hi" to everyone, is there anyone out there that may be interested if there was a Terrier Racing club (lure coursing) in Cambridge UK ?? depending on response, I may aso be able to hold straight line racing for (Whippets)??
  3. B

    Starting Traps/boxes

    Thanks uggybugs, pm sent. Although I am aware that Chris makes lures and traps, and does a grand Job, I'm afraid I couldn't afford the £800 it would cost to have 4 traps made, so will have to look at constructing my own. Many thanks for the help, keep the suggestions rolling in!!
  4. B

    Starting Traps/boxes

    Hi to all, can anyone provide any information regarding how to construct a set of starting traps/boxes ie. Plans, Links, Photo's, sizes etc. Many thanks Best wishes to all (Borderboy)
  5. B

    Newmarket Pictures

    Hi, Nice Pics!! Could you tell me when and where at Newmarket ??
  6. B

    Newmarket Pictures

    Hi, Nice Pics!! Could you tell me when and where at Newmarket ??