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  1. PWDmum

    Crufts and the "Coronavirus"

    I’ll be there on Saturday on the discover dogs stand, as I no longer show Figo due to him having to be castrated for health reasons....l feel you can’t isolate yourself from life, everyone has to make their own call....wsh hands frequently and catch any cough or sneeze in tissue...enjoy it if...
  2. PWDmum

    We went to see cavapoo puppies locally. Am i doing something wrong?

    The activity register is not the same thing as the KC data base register that breeders record the heritage and health of pure bred dogs. The activity register is there for anyone who wished to compete in any activity such as agility which will be held under KC rules. Unfortunately some breeders...
  3. PWDmum

    We went to see cavapoo puppies locally. Am i doing something wrong?

    Hi, haven’t posted here for a while, this thread caught my eye, had a quick look at their website and dispare when reading the usual hype from people breeding these cross breeds...being healthier for one, is absolute rubbish, it does not matter what breed you are breeding from, if you have not...
  4. PWDmum

    Desex & age of pet - why do shelters neuter pups?

    leashedForLife said: ↑ . . I’m fairly confident that pediatric desex will become more common among UK dog breeders over the next 5 years - it completely eliminates the chance of “accidental” & for-profit breeding, as well as genuinely accidental litters due to poor Mgmt, lack of oversight, or...
  5. PWDmum

    Dogs groomed like wild animals

    Think it looks silly, but to be honest those dogs are well groomed, not matted look in perfect health, so given that I don’t have Problem, believe me, there are far worse things that I would say people do to their pets then put a but of vegetable dye on them
  6. PWDmum

    Why might an owner not want his dog neutered

    The reason most people here in the UK have cats / kittens neutered is down to the fact most cats here are free to roam, we very rarely keep cats in, they are allowed to go and come as they please, as with pedigree cat breeders, they do not neuter before they sell the kittens, they usually put...
  7. PWDmum


    Yes, Figo has one every morning after his walk.... I don’t think they are any good for keeping teeth clean, it’s just a treat...I feed frozen raw turkey or duck necks As part of his daily diet these are much better for cleaning teeth
  8. PWDmum

    Hot spot

    Figo has just got over a hot spot on his neck, I shaved the hair away to allow the air to get to it, washed every day with hibiscrub, and got a anti bacterial cream from vets to apply, depending on the severity of the hot spot it may need anti biopics , you need to make sure the dog does not...
  9. PWDmum

    New member needing help asap please

    I think the first thing you need to do is get a second opinion, the PDSA Is not renounced for expert diagnosis, you also need to find a forum for dogs with IBD and seek help and advice from there, “ if “he had IBD, the pot belly and hair loss could be symptoms of many other issues, seek a...
  10. PWDmum

    Bit of a silly question, but...

    Raw bones including ribs are fine. As you said they don’t take long to chew through and polish them off, if little bits of splinters are left then throw them away, but I have never had a problem, my dogs demolish the lot, why take the meT of the rib, the whole purpose is for them to chew and rip...
  11. PWDmum

    Bit of a silly question, but...

    Yes raw...cooked are dangerous as they splinter
  12. PWDmum

    Bit of a silly question, but...

    Agree don’t like them to many dogs with broken teeth, also if you have a dog like mine and wooden floors they don’t go well together as he likes to throw them around
  13. PWDmum

    Bit of a silly question, but...

    Riff you go to pets at home and look in their freezers, they do packs of frozen turkey and duck necks , these are great for treats but also include in daily food intake. You can put in freezer and give one when you want. Don’t defrost give them frozen and it will take longer to eat and good...
  14. PWDmum

    Showing Collars; what's fair?

    Show leads and collars are designed to show off your dog to its bes,t advantage, in other words not distract the eye from the dog . Your dog should be sufficiently trained not to pull on the lead and collar and walk or trot nicely along side you. Depending on the breed will depend on the...
  15. PWDmum

    Bulldog puppies balls haven’t dropped yet help

    I said, undershot not severely undershot....thankfully the owner took my advice , and not listened to the vet. Saved said pup a horrendous unnecessary operation , pup grew up to be a normal Boxer, with the correct bite for his breed...not all vets understand breeed standards sadly and can...
  16. PWDmum

    Bulldog puppies balls haven’t dropped yet help

    I would not always z Agree with the above, it depends on the vet and the breeder concerned, and what advice you are asking for, I had a young friend who had her first boxer pup, she took it to the vet for his first visit, said vet told her the pup had an undershot jaw and would need extensive...
  17. PWDmum

    Whats your best action shot photo

    Always love this one
  18. PWDmum

    Bulldog puppies balls haven’t dropped yet help

    t 18 weeks there is still a little time for them to drop, but to be honest it is unlikely, have you spoken to the breeder about this. And did you buy him with the intention for the future to use him at stud , did and does your breeder know this, did he have endorsements on his breeding,and is he...
  19. PWDmum

    Crating at 11 weeks

    I wouldn’t leave any dog in. Crate all day , let alone a puppy, can’t you both bring the dogs in to work, or why not bring his crate and give him time outs
  20. PWDmum

    Junior warrant 2018

    From my understanding you need at least 3 in a class to gain a point, and you have to beat 2 other pups to gain a point, but don’t take my word for it, also being in a numerically small breed I am of the understanding it’s almost impossible to gain a JW , due to small numbers, so not really my...