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  1. Mayblossom

    Jasper's diary

    So hoping it works for him Judy, how old is your lovely boy ? Really sad seeing them unhappy, hoping he’s a bit happier today :( the last two nights I’ve had to get up at 1.30 to let her into the garden for a poo , I’m grateful she at least tells me she wants to go and doesn’t do it in the...
  2. Mayblossom

    Jasper's diary

    Going through the same with Lils re eyesight Judy , she’ll see something ahead on her walk and suddenly stop and stare , could be people or another dog that she’s usually happy to meet but now doesn’t seem to want to interact like she used to, she also walks with a low head carriage and seems...
  3. Mayblossom

    Canine cognitive dysfunction (dementia in dogs)

    Certainly isn’t Judy, you can only hope they’re happy in their own little way :rolleyes: we often get flashes of the younger Lily and you think yes, they’re doing ok but then she goes back to the new Lily, still gorgeous and sweet but different if you know what I mean.
  4. Mayblossom

    Canine cognitive dysfunction (dementia in dogs)

    Think we’re just going into some of these stages Judy, Lily will be 13 in July but we’ve noticed some changes in her behaviour, none of them bad changes, bless her . She’s been unsettled at night after we go to bed and wanting to go out but just stands and stares when I let her out, cries for no...
  5. Mayblossom

    Jasper's diary

    Aww bless you, you’ll always be the Mum he needs xx we just have to take each day at a time and go with the good and the bad days, Lily is having a bad day today , had a walk at Ashdown forest yesterday with my daughters new puppy, luckily pup was very good and ignored her but it’s taken it out...
  6. Mayblossom

    Jasper's diary

    I really feel for you Judy, Lily goes through very strange phases now and again but luckily sleeps through the night, she’ll be 13 next year and have noticed so many changes in the last few months, she sits and cries and I’ve no idea why :( not sure if Jasper is like Lils in that she will stare...
  7. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

    Thank you Julia, have been to see the vet again as Lily was not doing well , checked her over again, heart was fine, temperature normal so that was good as was a little high previously. Gave me some anti inflamms to take along with the antibiotics ( which she’s doubled the dose ) having enough...
  8. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

    Thank you Niamh, I tried her with honey but she won’t take it, being really fussy at the moment with everything, it’s a struggle to get her meds down her. Tried sleeping downstairs again but as yet haven’t had any sleep , really hoping this gets better very soon as it’s not doing either of us...
  9. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

  10. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

    Thank you Finsky, yes, vet did an examination and said her heart was fine and confirmed it was kennel cough ( guess we have to trust them ) when she had it a couple of years ago it cleared quite quickly and didn’t affect her at all. We use a harness on her as if we see a cat she will try and...
  11. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

  12. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

    Thanks Judy x
  13. Mayblossom

    Kennel cough

    Lily, who will be 13 this year, has kennel cough and is affecting her badly, poor girl. She’s had it a few times over the years but lasted a few days and she’s recovered fine. Due to her being older and hasn’t been herself lately anyway took her to the vets who put her on antibiotics and anti...
  14. Mayblossom

    Cocker Spaniel with bad cough

    My vet doesn’t charge anything other than the cost of the prescription which if I remember was about £15, could possibly save you a fair bit of money ;)
  15. Mayblossom

    Dog claw help !

    Thanks Judy, will check them out :) I can get the clippers on the other nails ( which are curling away from her pads ( which is good ) but these back ones leave no space to get the clippers in :( or a dremmel . She’s always been a ‘difficult’ child regarding nails :D but so much worse as she’s...
  16. Mayblossom

    Dog claw help !

    Morning guys ! Having problems with Lily’s claws, she’s nearly 12 and her claws are growing really quickly ( due to her age according to the vet) but the back outside claws are curling in towards the pad,the vet tried to trim them but the quick goes to the very end of the claw so she couldn’t do...
  17. Mayblossom

    Someone please help! My springer spaniel puppy can't be disciplined

    Your puppy isn’t being bad ...he’s being a puppy...that’s what they do :rolleyes:
  18. Mayblossom

    Hello - newbie with a Springer x Saluki here

    He’s just gorgeous! Poor lad having so many homes, no wonder you’re finding issues :( well done for taking him on , hoping he’ll settle happily with you forever now, he needs stability and good training which it sounds like you’re planning for him. I’ve had many Springers over the years and they...
  19. Mayblossom

    Saying Goodbye

    So heartbroken for you Josie but you made the best decision for your beautiful boy , in tears for you here. Rest easy Den, you were so loved and will be missed so much xx sending hugs xxxx
  20. Mayblossom

    Hi I'm a frenchie mum and I'm looking for some advice

    And me :) very good decision from a caring owner .