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  1. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unable to upload pictures...?

    I’m on Android, is there an Android alternative?
  2. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Oh wow, that’s so cool :) We have nowhere like that where I live in Wales. It’s so annoying, living in Wales you’d think there’d be loads of green space to roam around but no, no dog parks, not many footpaths :( someone told me that Wales is ‘free to roam’ meaning you can walk anywhere (even...
  3. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Dreadful dog walk

    Hope you and your boys aren't too traumatized by the ordeal and hope it doesn't put them off seeing other dogs. Similar thing happened to me and Roxy a few weeks back, a lady was walking her anti-social Collie in the field behind her house and she left the gate open, despite her calls the dog...
  4. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unable to upload pictures...?

    So how do I do that? Just crop them or is it a bit more complex than that? :rolleyes::oops:
  5. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unable to upload pictures...?

    When I try to upload a picture from my phone, any picture it says it failed with this message: The uploaded file is too large for the server to process. Any ideas about why this is? Has anyone else had this problem?
  6. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Awwww I wonder why his previous owners thought he didn’t like water then (unless he only ever had contact with water when he had a bath so duh of course he would appear to hate water) Awwww, so cute that he hides when Murphy is in the pool!
  7. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Animal rescue live with Supervet tonight

    Oh my gosh I totally forgot thank you for the reminder, I’ll have to watch it on all4 I did watch it last year, it was awesome! You should watch it (even though the animals featured are probably all adopted now lol) :D
  8. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Awww lovely pics @Mad Murphy, oh that's funny was George like that straight away with you or do you think Murphy had an influence on him?
  9. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Oh my gosh I thought he was standing up! Silly me, in that case she would never plonk herself down in it like that hahaha!
  10. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Thank you @Whippylove it was on May 12th :) Love that snap of Jasper @JudyN Roxy would never go that deep! She just dips her toes in if she needs a drink :D That action shot of Floyd is amazing @niamh123 I love the ears! :D
  11. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Found a few more :D
  12. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Summertime Walkies

    Myself and Roxy have been enjoying our summer walks, the weather has been so nice (which is great for Wales!) so just thought it would be nice to share some pics with you (Nowhere fancy, just around our village) and for you all to share pics of your summer adventures too :) And...
  13. Jack-Russell-Lover

    was a suspension enough?

    There’s no excuse for disgusting behaviour like that, she’s not the only dog that could have an aggressive reaction at the vets hence he could do it again! He obviously doesn’t have the patience for it, he should have been struck off for sure! :mad:
  14. Jack-Russell-Lover

    On the blog: 20 Poisonous Garden Plants For Dog

    Oh yes my girl love eating grass! I think she just likes the taste of it haha
  15. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Dog doesn't bark??!!

    Yes like @Dibbythedog said he might still be adjusting, he might find his voice as time goes on :)
  16. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Dog doesn't bark??!!

    Ooh he’s so gorgeous :) you wouldn’t expect a dog like that to not bark long have you had him? My Jack Russell is 8 years old and I only just heard a proper growl from her the other day when we were playing tug!
  17. Jack-Russell-Lover

    On the blog: 20 Poisonous Garden Plants For Dog

    Gosh it’s enough to put you off letting them in the garden altogether, much to my annoyance one of the people I live with likes to put food out for the birds.. that on top of the occasional rat that hangs around our garden means that Rox only goes out on a lead, a short one for toilet and a long...
  18. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Terrier Instincts

    Ooh no, it’s like having a cat! Lol Especially not good when you’re a vegan:eek: I think if Rox was better at hunting she’d bring things in but she’s usually so rubbish, she’ll hear things in the hedges on walks and will just dive into the hedge suddenly, caught a mouse once and killed it but...
  19. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Terrier Instincts

    Oh gosh, sorry I haven’t been on for the last few days and just seen all the replies. I agree that they just need to left to it and finish it off because I grabbed her off it and then it was just twitching still alive :emoji_disappointed: I am certainly glad she doesn’t bring them to me as...
  20. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Terrier Instincts

    Yes that did indeed cross my mind about the screaming lol, I probably did make I worse! I just didn’t know what to do :rolleyes::oops: I mean once they grab them that’s pretty much it isn’t it, if that doesn’t kill them they would die eventually, from shock if nothing else. That is true, and...