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  1. lynyona

    Betty needs some doggy friends

    Maybe I am going along to much with the popular beliefs of others your dog must socialize with other dogs your dog must do this and must do that and in all honesty I don't know why I am with her I have always had dogs and this was never a problem before the dog in my profile picture we had him...
  2. lynyona

    Betty needs some doggy friends

    cant believe betty will be a year old next week she needs to socialise with dogs more. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who as a dog when we go out walking we very rarely meet other dogs and when we do she s either sheepish with them or pulls towards them . We don't really have anywhere...
  3. lynyona

    Biting...aggression or just wilful at 11months

    Betty does the barking for attention and if I speak to her she barks more I am just trying the ignoring her and it works .I am doing the same when she barks at food ours not hers. I have spoilt her a bit and its been a hard to stick to it when you get the big sad eye look but she s getting it...
  4. lynyona

    Puppy pass times

    Mine loves plastic bottles and she s definitely a cardboard chewer she also loves to chew pegs she can hear a peg hit the ground from 90 million paces
  5. lynyona

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    My Last Dog slept on our bed from being a little ball of fluff he just wouldn't settle and he carried on doing so until we lost him 6 years ago at a grand age of 15.My youngest son bought me a puppy who is now 7 months old I said I wasn't going to make the same mistakes with her as I did with...
  6. lynyona


    Unfortunately we don't have any parks as such around here people usually walk their dogs in streets on tracks etc have children play areas but wouldn't be suitable to take a puppy .I know a lot of dog walkers go on a field near us I might just walk her down there and have a look see. Also not...
  7. lynyona


    Yes she has, she has interacted with delivery people Post people maybe I am not giving her the benefit of the doubt and just expecting her to be to excitable with people
  8. lynyona


  9. lynyona


    The puppy socialising classes closest to me only take puppies up to 5 months I had only found out about them recently unfortunately to late
  10. lynyona


    she is 7 months on wednesday
  11. lynyona


    I'm a bit concerned that puppylet isn't get socialised enough. I don't know anyone who has a dog I could socialise her with and we don't have a lot of visitors(sound such saddos lol) so when we do she just wants to fuss and lick them to death or excitedly wee on them usually the ladies. When she...
  12. lynyona

    School holidays have put my puppy out of routine

    If I shut the back door then go out to the shop she will bark and whine but if I just leave the back door open and just go she is fine. She s 6 months now ..on a funny note night last week I had just finished my tea and she was waiting to go out and play she put her paws on the computer...
  13. lynyona

    School holidays have put my puppy out of routine

    I look after my nephew in the six weeks holidays and for a couple of hours after school in term time now him and Betty don't mix he s a wuss if she jumps up or comes near him he jumps around like a lunatic and of course she thinks he s playing so the first couple of days I was pulling my hair...
  14. lynyona

    Opinions/experiences on muzzling to prevent scavenging

    I can relate to your Puppy eating everything on walks mine does she s 6 months now while she's not eaten poo she ll get anything sweet wrappers tissue any paper leaves grass there's lots of apples off the trees at the minute round the corner from me I trawl through everyday. Only the other day...
  15. lynyona

    Puppy and Cat

    I read this on another Dog forum that I sometimes look at which made me think Many dogs live happily alongside cats and other animals. However some breeds of dog (especially terriers) have generations of ancestry telling them to grab and kill small furry things. A cat’s instincts are to hiss...
  16. lynyona

    Puppy and Cat

    When I got Betty I was so pleased how well she got on with my cat. Betty will bark at her waiting for her to play sometimes the cat will run around the garden with her other times she wont she ll just lay there and let Betty do all the barking . This last week when My cat comes in for the night...
  17. lynyona

    When a good idea is not a good idea

    The only time she wasn't barking at him was when he had food. She carried on barking at him right until he went out the door to go home. I felt quiet sorry for him lol
  18. lynyona

    When a good idea is not a good idea

    She really was a star ..she got on with all the people except my sons friend she barked at him from when he arrived until bed time he stayed over night and thought 6ft 5 and if I pick her up for him to stroke her she doesn't bark all the time but when I put her down she s bark bark lol
  19. lynyona

    When a good idea is not a good idea

    For the bbq today I put Bettys harness on and attached a tie out cable she pulled at it with such force that she snapped the harness . Then I put her on her long training lead but she kept get wrapped up in it so the only option left was her cage which she didn't really like . My sister in law...
  20. lynyona

    Feeling like a Puppy Mummy failure

    I can see the video and can see exactly what you are saying the dog on the left looks really frightened and I would never ever resort to shock collars or indeed them spiked ones its cruel. We had dogs from me being little and all our dogs grew into adult dogs happy and healthy to a grand old age...