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  1. lynyona

    Changed odd behaviour

    On a positive note I tried a process of elimination before a vets visit..I wormed betty and gave her flee treatment i have also cut down on the treats she was getting always fell fowl of those sad eyes and few sterner words I am pleased to report she is the dog she once was no more scooting or...
  2. lynyona

    Changed odd behaviour

    Not posted for a while but Betty my staffy pug x as been showing odd behaviour. She as started constantly licking and snapping into the air. She will spin around on her bottom and she will whine until someone rubs her back end. Someone suggested it could be anxiety or attention seeking if we are...
  3. lynyona

    Scented Candles

    I haven't given her one as when she got aggressive with them I just binned them all, she never ate them she d just leave them lying around in random places where she knew where they were
  4. lynyona

    Scented Candles

  5. lynyona

    Scented Candles

    I have been having some aggression issues with Betty. First she loves Jumbones then about 2 weeks ago she got then she was growling at anyone that even passed them even if she didn't have it anywhere near her. A couple of days this week she has been aggressive with family members snapping at...
  6. lynyona

    Wussy staffy x Pug

    Thank you very much I will try that .My smoke Alarm battery was going yesterday and because when the batteries low they beep she was a quivering wreck bless her
  7. lynyona

    Wussy staffy x Pug

    This lovely group as been helpful on many occasions I posted this on another on of my dog groups at the weekend As anyone an ideas what to do with my wussy dog .She is a staffie Pug Cross just over 3 years old. She has a terrible aversion to noise.. I have just got a new microwave and when it...
  8. lynyona

    Is there anything your pet is scared of or reacts to?

    My staffy x Pug hates and is scared of noises ,My son watches train videos on you tube and she cowers at the noises the trains make, She hates any vehicle that beeps bin wagon or van reversing .I got an halogen cooker I had to give it away because the sound of it used to terrify her and she d...
  9. lynyona

    Dogs aren’t the only animals affected by fireworks

    I have read so many horror stories this week dogs dying, rabbits, a poor cat that lost its leg a horse that had its ear cut and a firework fastened to it. Even an hedgehog fastened to a rocket, what is wrong with these poor excuses of human beings. Think the saddest 2 are a dog was scared by a...
  10. lynyona

    Barks at everything

    what a brilliant idea. I do think that's the case with Betty as we have 6ft fences all the way around the garden and 6 other houses back onto our garden. I suppose the same is in the house we have high windows so there is no way she can look out to see what any noises are, my kitchen is in the...
  11. lynyona

    Barks at everything

    Everybody in the world are in their gardens doing something ,I have 6 gardens that back on to mine so there is always some noise from one side ...She ll sit in front of the cupboard and stare at it because she knows that's where the treats are kept so that is what i don't want
  12. lynyona

    Barks at everything

    She is 2 years old a staffyxPug... I have not purposely not left her on her own just that with 6 adults in my house there is always someone in we are home birds lol rarely a time we are all out together .I did read something, a tired dog is a quiet dog. If we play ball she ll only fetch it back...
  13. lynyona

    Barks at everything

    Good Morning Lovely People I'm sure this has been asked numerous times. How do I stop my Dog barking at everything when home (She is never left alone there is always someone in ) ,car doors slamming ,voices outside , children screaming . Since lockdown as eased its like with her "what's that...
  14. lynyona

    Any Ideas or juts a loony dog ?

    Hi I have not posted in a while and hoping you lovely people have some ideas. My dog Betty who is 18 months now has developed some strange behaviours recently .She will whine and only stop when you stroke her back .I posted a video on a staffie page and they say that it is just normal staffie...
  15. lynyona

    11 month old puppy still barks early to get us up!

    Funnily enough since the clocks change she s not been getting up until 20 past 7 ish lol
  16. lynyona

    11 month old puppy still barks early to get us up!

    Don't get lie ins I am afraid ..If Bettys awake she licks me until I am and nothing is going to make her go back to sleep she starts quietly whining and if no movement louder she gets she was up at 20 past 6 this morning out for a walk qrt to 7
  17. lynyona

    Betty needs some doggy friends

    She has grown so fast only seems five minutes since we got her she is definitely a people dog
  18. lynyona

    Betty needs some doggy friends

    This is Miss Betty a week away from her 1st birthday
  19. lynyona

    Betty needs some doggy friends

    Thank you .. what you are saying remind me of a conversation me an a friend had she has a disabled daughter who is quite happy to stay at home yet the powers that be are telling her "you must get her out there " but as she said no one tells her that! because she is normal she has choices and she...