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  1. Robert Powell

    Vet costs.

    Shou Should have said the consultation fee alone was £203. Three different vets dealt with Henry with differing levels of competence.
  2. Robert Powell

    Vet costs.

    Out of hours vet for Henry who sadly we had to have put to sleep 2 days later:£203. He went in at 7.30 am.....hardly the middle of the night! Cost us £2000 in total and he still didn't make it. So not surprised about other extortionate vets.
  3. Robert Powell

    Vet costs.

    Extortionate. But not surprised.
  4. Robert Powell

    Castration? Yes or No?

    Again informative. Just to say we were also unlucky enough to have a rescue dog that died of a tumour in his body but not connected to the prostate. .....or testicles. In his case we never questioned ourselves about castration. In Henry's case we were concerned because vets over the 9 years we...
  5. Robert Powell

    Castration? Yes or No?

    Yes I understand what you are saying. However the symptoms of prostate problems were there 3 years ago. Obviously they got worse without our knowledge. Neutering may have been useful or made no difference. We will never know.
  6. Robert Powell

    Castration? Yes or No?

    Interesting replies. With Henry his behaviour was never a problem. It is why whenever a vet pestered us to have him neutered we always said no. However 3 years ago he did have a prostate /UTI problem which was cleared up with antibiotics. Again the vet mentioned neutering in the near future...
  7. Robert Powell

    Castration? Yes or No?

    As I have said on other threads we had to have Henry our springer put to sleep due to prostate enlargement and a bad prostatic infection. I asked the vet if in hindsight we should have had him castrated when he was younger.....Henry was only nine and a half when he died. She said that some...
  8. Robert Powell


    We lost Henry aged 9 last month. 6 week ago in fact. It feels like yesterday to me. You are right you can never replace a dog like yours.Or Henry in our case. It is true that in time you may ache to have another dog to fill the hole. We have had several dogs before. But to me it gets harder...
  9. Robert Powell

    Henry Springer Spaniel

    Hope you are right...
  10. Robert Powell

    Henry Springer Spaniel

    Sadly put to sleep 9/4/20.Age 9 years. The best dog we could have ever hoped for. Miss him always.
  11. Robert Powell

    Losing a dog

    You sum up You sum up my feelings. We lost our lovely Springer Spaniel Henry last month to a severe prostate infection aged 9. My dad had died last October and Henry was a comfort zone for me and my mom. Henry too went downhill suddenly. From three walks on the Monday tea time to almost at...
  12. Robert Powell

    Prostate Infection

    Henry was 9 too...would have been 10 in July. He has left a hole in our household.We have had dogs before mainly spaniels but he was special. People are shocked but then say will you have another dog? We have just had his ashes back. In no mood to consider any other dog at present.
  13. Robert Powell

    Staggered at the price of a pup

    Henry our Springer was 16 weeks old when we had him. He cost 125 pounds! We were lucky....though Henry had to be PTS aged 9 and three quarters. I know a guy in the west midlands who bought a cockerpoo pup for £1300.
  14. Robert Powell

    Grief of losing dog unbearable

    Insurance companies are fine.....until you try to claim. Then they look into every nook and crannie to try and reject it. Henry had a previous condition so no chance . Cheap insurance is full of loopholes and exclusions. we found out.
  15. Robert Powell

    Prostate Infection

    It shows an enlarged protate with infection apparently. The vets threw everything at Henry from antiboitics and painkillers to appetisers. He never really got any better after the fateful Monday when he went downhill at home.
  16. Robert Powell

    Prostate Infection

    Attached is the result of Henry's prospered scan. We have had to have him put to sleep. Anyone know exactly what this scan shows?
  17. Robert Powell

    Grief of losing dog unbearable

    We have just lost Henry to a prostate infection. He showed no symptoms and four weeks on we are devastated. Reading your reply I am going ghough thd same thing. ....guilt anger bewilderment but most if all huge depression.People say are you having another annoys me. Henry is...
  18. Robert Powell

    Henry’s Prostate Infection.....A Tragedy

    Hi. Four weeks ago we lost our beloved Springer Spaniel Henry to a prostate infection. He appeared fine with no symptoms until tea time on the 6th April. But then he started to go up the garden and crouch down. He relieved himself at first but then there was no faeces. This continued. We thought...
  19. Robert Powell


    Hi. I have just registered.