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  1. virgil

    Introducing young puppy to older dog.

    Thank you Chatterdog ... Cody has been here 9 days now, he lets me sleep until about 5am, although he let me have a lay in this morning - he must know it's bank holiday Monday today :p I took him to puppy classes last week, mainly for the socialisation. He met a Springador, a Cockerpoo (he was...
  2. virgil

    Introducing young puppy to older dog.

    Thanks for all your replies :flowers: I ended up getting a rather handsome 9 week young b&w English Pointer, yesterday. I introduced the pup (Cody) to 15 year old Milo, in a neighbours garden, then brought them both back here to sniff each other out. Milo sleeps most of the day, so his bed...
  3. virgil

    Introducing young puppy to older dog.

    Thanks excuseme .. it's certainly beginning to look like that is indeed the best advice. Ray.
  4. virgil

    Introducing young puppy to older dog.

    Hello there. We have a 15 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback which we've had from a pup. His hips are going so he doesn't go for long walks anymore. He sleeps 23 hours per day, eats one good meal a day, and doesn't appear to be in any pain. We are going to take-on a Labrador puppy in 8 weeks time...
  5. virgil

    Newbie alert :)

    Hi y'all, I'm a newbie too, I started a thread yesterday about taking on an 8 week old Cocker while I have a 14 year old un-vaccinated R/Ridgeback - not one reply :) I decided to knock the idea on the head in the end - after phoning around various vets for advice, shame really as the Cocker...
  6. virgil

    Unvaccinated 8 week old pup with with my 14 year old boy

    Hello there, I'm due to collect an 8 week old Cocker tomorrow and I have a 14 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback who had his last full course of vaccinations 5 years ago. Would you take the chance of bringing the Cocker into the home with Milo the RR? .. I can get the Cocker his first vaccination...