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  1. S

    Good News!!!

    So glad he is back safe and well :huggles:
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    Foa Ruby123

    yes fantastic pics, photos of a lifetime
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    Foa Ruby123

    my OH has some idea of what it maybe although he cant be certain, he has asked if he can cross post on to a falconry forum to find out for you? I was trying to pm u but your inbox is full :huggles:
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    Pics Of Our Harris Hawk

    Thank you for you kind comments, Radar is a real pleasure to have about :thumbsup:
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    Pics Of Our Harris Hawk

    Went out this afternoon with my OH to give his male Harris Radar a fly. Thought i'd share some pics.
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    Lampy's Lurchers

    Fantastic pics Lampy, lovely pair of girls, just shows what a variety can come out of the same litter. They are a real credit to u :thumbsup:
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    Sad News On The Orphaned Puppies

    RIP Little ones. Im keeping everything crossed for the little girl :huggles: :luck: I can understand how you are feeling i had the same thing happen to me with some kittens i was hand rearing, absolutely broke my heart but i believe in fate and i believe they have gone on to a better place...
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    Button Is Now Kc Registered

    Thats great news helen. :luck: for Buttons sucess in the ring :huggles:
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    Bow & Flynn Some Recent Pics

    Great pics kev, Flynn looks fantastic as always. :wub: Hasn't little rippy changed, he is starting to look like a proper border now. (w00t) Bow looks very handsome too
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    And Memories Of Life While They Are Awake!

    what a lovely pic and such lovely pups. :huggles:
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    Morning Walk

    Feeling a bit better today, thought some fresh air would do me good this morning and so far it has. :huggles: Ruby is great she always finds something for me whether its a tiny little peice of paper in the house or a tree branch :lol: :wub:
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    While The Puppies Sleep.........

    WOW isnt she lovely :huggles:
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    Morning Walk

    Just got in from a lovely morning walk with Honey and Ruby. Thought i would share some pics. Ruby can't go anywhere without the biggest stick she can find (w00t)
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    Happy Birthday Borntohunt!

    Happy birthday Kev :huggles:
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    New Lurcher In The House

    Challenge what challenge :lol: With her brother Dancer in the field you must be joking (w00t) It was a pleasure Tracey, we couldnt have asked for a better home. :huggles:
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    Me Or The Dog

    Its Dogs and Horses everytime for me over any man. I often remind my OH of that fact :thumbsup:
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    If Pigs Can Fly.....

    lovely pics tracey as usual :huggles:
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    More Kruger Pics

    Just thought i would share these few pics with you all :wub: :wub:
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    Buoys & Girls

    Your photos are fantastic Tracey. Looks like you had a fantastic day. Thank you so much for posting them, Meg doesnt look too impressed :lol: not like Dee Dee who seems to love getting dirty, just like her sister :lol: One complaint though. WHERE IS THE MAIN MAN JASPA??? :blink:
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    Meet Kruger

    Thank you all for your kind comments :huggles: Yes i have got a new camera Tracey so expect lots more photos :thumbsup: