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  1. jgear

    Freddie & Claire Pics

    They are lovely, I know that Sultry look Marlene does it all the time, in our house it means I need cuddles
  2. jgear

    For Nanny Dawn

    She is so lovely, you must be betwiched!
  3. jgear

    Elbows Off The Table Please

    Are you some sort of super dog trainer, or is Jill hypnotised? Which ever I am v impressed, my 2 would have had that table cloth off in a flash, eaten the goodies and then hidden the evidence in their beds.
  4. jgear

    Tias New Collar

    That is so lovely, and what a great model
  5. jgear

    Sad Day Today

    My heart goes out to you, such a difficult decision to make, but you had no alternative. Hope your little girl continues to be OK
  6. jgear

    Having Fun In France

    I love the second picture Spriet looks like he is laughing with Joy!
  7. jgear

    Walking Your Dogs

    I think I must live near whippetgood!. My black greyhound was v. under weight when I first got him, he has now put on over a stone in weight. I used to walk him in a coat as people kept stopping me and asking if I was starving him. Some chance he is a greedy beggar.
  8. jgear

    Few Pics

    What lovely photos - love the one with the paws
  9. jgear

    Today At Ringstead Beach

    Lovely pictures, just read your profile, 4 dogs 5 kids it's a miracle you have time to leave the house. I am well impressed tell me your secret. I have 2 greyhounds 0 kids but I seem to be the one chasing my tail!
  10. jgear

    Has Anyone Heard?????

    I was really upset when I read this and just wanted to say that if anyone is visiting Bolton that my vet is excellent, 24 hour cover, hospital etc. They are very gentle with the dogs and the fees are fair. They are called Regan tel 01204-309745. I am not a vet!! veteran maybe!
  11. jgear

    Measurements Wanted

    Mine are 13.5 inches under the ears and about 15inches at base of neck
  12. jgear

    Loving Home Offered

    I got my greyhounds from GRWE and our rehomers moved to greyhoundsinneed. I found the support and help I was given by both the charities was fantastic, I note you have another dog, but I knew nothing about dogs. The charity lent us...
  13. jgear

    Jinny's New Blanket!

    What a lovely little face in picture 2. The blanket looks really soft and comfortable, just what every well dressed whippet should have!
  14. jgear

    Dog Friendly Beaches Near Tenby

    Many thanks that's brilliant