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  1. LasVegasNo1

    Cat Attack

    We walked past some hedges yesterday, I wasn't really paying attention when I felt a tug on the lead, looked down and saw a ginger cat arched and Alfie glaring at it.. Then looked at Alfie who had blood trickling down his muzzle! The cat had got him! It's so weird this thread he's never been...
  2. LasVegasNo1

    Are Whippets Really That Expensive?

    errrr How?! That's insane, a quick brush with a hand mitt once a month and maybe a bath :lol:
  3. LasVegasNo1

    Couple Of Pics Of My Whippet Ollie, And A Quick Question!

    This is a great website for collars.. I must have ordered over £100 worth of collars off there over the years... and that's just for one Whippet! :-
  4. LasVegasNo1

    Eating Grass Roots

    It just sounds like they are bored because they are on lead and 'standing around', probably just doing it to annoy you (w00t)
  5. LasVegasNo1

    Pet Meds

    Thanks for that, have placed my order :thumbsup:
  6. LasVegasNo1

    Lurcher & Fox

    Just found this :wub:
  7. LasVegasNo1

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow...

    was a Whippet :clown:
  8. LasVegasNo1

    Cesar Millan

    Yes Daddy did originally belong to another guy, a rap artist, who took Daddy to Cesar at 4 months old and said he wanted 'a dog, not a lawsuit'. So Cesar bought him up and Daddy would stay with Cesar when the guy was travelling. Then like Lal said above he gifted him to Cesar. I loved Daddy...
  9. LasVegasNo1

    There's Been A.....

    Glad you all think I have too much time on my hands... actually it was me and my sister who have too much time...... lalala Just to let you know, no Whippet was harmed in the course of this afternoons boredom (well maybe annoyed a bit ;) ).... crimewatch reconstruction, the body.....
  10. LasVegasNo1

    There's Been A.....

    dun dun daa.... :o
  11. LasVegasNo1

    Introducing The "bring Me A " Game

    Bring me Karl Pilkington
  12. LasVegasNo1

    Happy Birthday Janimal

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Enjoy your day!
  13. LasVegasNo1

    New Arrival!

    That is impossibly adorable!! :wub: How long until it's fully grown?! I'd want it to stay that small :b
  14. LasVegasNo1

    Veg Question!

    I make batches of about ten ice cube trays and freeze, then empty all the cubes into a carrier bag, then just defrost two each day with the frozen tripe, works out pretty well :)
  15. LasVegasNo1

    Your Gonna Love This!!!

    Not really, without the RSPCA not one animal abuser would ever see the inside of a court room.
  16. LasVegasNo1

    Mary Ray

    O yes I didn't mean she danced all night long!! lol :teehee: Yes it was mainly training techniques and how to progress onto more complicated heelwork etc, I certainly took something home with me that I'll try out... don't know about Alfie though ;)
  17. LasVegasNo1

    Mary Ray

    Went to a fantastic 'Evening with Mary Ray' last night. If she is putting on a display in your area I highly recommend :thumbsup: Don't think Alfie will be 'dancing' anytime soon though ;) Although Mary did demonstrate with a whippet/collie cross so maybe there's half a chance with Alfie...
  18. LasVegasNo1

    Fern Is Expecting Frozen Pupsicles !

    :wub: O look at them! Adorable! :wub:
  19. LasVegasNo1

    Fern Is Expecting Frozen Pupsicles !

    Good luck, I hope all goes well :luck: Can't wait to see the little ones :thumbsup:
  20. LasVegasNo1

    Whippet Collars

    And here it is :thumbsup: My Mum said I should give Alfie the collar for his Xmas pressie, could you imagine if I did he'd never speak to me again! :p