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  1. AnnSa

    Welcome To Baby Ava-Mai!!

    :wub: She's so sweet looks a very content baby
  2. AnnSa

    A Few From This Mornings Walk

    Yep she's my first home grown girl, im really pleased with her, she's coming on nicely ..... thanks for your comment :thumbsup: I think once you've settled Jacques you'll fin yourself looking for a friend for him, you know what they say ..... Whippets are like peanuts you cant just have one!
  3. AnnSa

    A Few From This Mornings Walk

    B&B, chance would be a fine thing, i drag myself out of bed a silly o'clock then go straight down the beach with the Whippets so they can have the place to themselves and run riot, then its home for a quick Coffee before its time to take Galdys. Not much time for breakfast ;) Asia was 7...
  4. AnnSa

    A Few From This Mornings Walk

    Asia is fast turning into that Swan and her nature is just as nice as Zana's :flowers: Gladys is just one of the funniest creatures ive come across, she's as graceful as a cart horse, screams when she meets a new dog and 2 minutes later is running about like she's known it forever. She's...
  5. AnnSa

    A Few From This Mornings Walk

    Didn't know if this should be in Whippets ot Lurchers, but after a while i thought well Asia the Whippet is older than Gladys the Lurcher so went with Whippets :lol:   A few pics from this mornings walk :))
  6. AnnSa

    Welcome To Baby Ava-Mai!!

    Those little feet :wub: She's lovely and growing quicker than a weed.
  7. AnnSa

    Rachel's Visit A Success! Now We Know How To Address Jacques`

    Glad your morning with Rachel went well :thumbsup: Sounds like you have some ideas to work on with Jaques. Im sure all this time and patience is going to pay of and at the end you will have a happy, confident Jaques.
  8. AnnSa

    It's Official, My Whippets Are The Best In The World!

    Well done those Whippets :thumbsup:
  9. AnnSa

    Pup @ 14 Weeks

    :lol: I am hoping things will improve with age
  10. AnnSa

    Silken Windhounds

    He's beautiful :thumbsup:
  11. AnnSa

    Pup @ 14 Weeks

    She has a lovely personality, very laid back but the devil on her shoulder at times, and she has a way of showing just enough of the whites of her eyes to look sooooo innocent. Best make sure her and Mabel never get together :lol:
  12. AnnSa

    Pup @ 14 Weeks

    Thats if the little beast makes it to winter ..... she ate my camera to PC cable at Lunch time then when back and had the mouse cable this afternoon :* Have had a tidy round a while ago, moved anything i think might catch her eye next!
  13. AnnSa

    Walking 3 Whippies

    I use a figure of 8 head collar on my 4 girls, simple to get on and off with one hand. Just gives me that little bit more control when i walk them all together. They tend to pull on the way out as they are excited but apart from one they all walk back nicely. Gladys still gets walked on her...
  14. AnnSa

    Welcome To Baby Ava-Mai!!

    Aww she's gorgeous ..... Congratulations to you all :flowers: Love her name, it's one that made the short list for one of my Whippet Girls :teehee:
  15. AnnSa

    "free Range" Boarding Kennel

    The link doesn't work for me ..... is it the link or me :ermm:
  16. AnnSa

    Pup @ 14 Weeks

    She was from a one off litter Sadie, the man just wanted a pup for himself. If you look about the grey/collie x is fairly popular and litters seem to pop up regularly ...... can you tell i trawled the 'for sales' for months :lol:
  17. AnnSa

    Whippet Litter Sizes

    I've only ever bred one litter and that was this year, my girl had 11 and did everything herself, i never left alone with them though as people spoke of pre-eclampsia and i was worried about it.
  18. AnnSa

    When To Add A Companion???

    She's lush, i was looking for a whippy/beddy when i spotted Gladys :*
  19. AnnSa

    What Food Are You Feeding ?

    I feed my girls raw meat and bones ...... even the Chihuahua ..... although she only gets the small ones :lol:
  20. AnnSa

    Pup @ 14 Weeks

    Mainly Bearded Collie and Greyhound but a little whippet/bedlington to add some spice :lol: